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Gretchen LaSalle is a part time Family Physician, full time mother and wife, and spare time writer. She lives with her husband and two sons in Spokane, Washington.

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As I came down the stairs and saw the sunlight pouring through my front room window, I was hit with a vivid memory... a memory of those first few months of parenthood when my days felt dark and unending, when I felt helpless and hopeless. In the moments of silence between cries and feedings, I would lie in the middle of my sunlit front room, trying to soak in the light and the warmth, trying to focus on the beauty of a new life brought into the world. I wrote this poem as a tribute to those first days as a new mom, to the baby blues, and to the light that eventually leads us out of darkness.
A Light in the Darkness

A Poem…

Like a cat, she curls and stretches
Collapsing wearily on the window seat.
Her eyes close. Her face turns towards
The Sun.
It is a place of retreat in the quiet moment between his cries.
The light filters through her eyelids.
Orange and red come to rest on her retina.
The slanted rays of the Sun, an
Autumn glow.
She searches for something, anything to brighten the darkness.
Warmth settles into her bones.
Her muscles release their tension, just a bit.
She soaks in the stillness, grasping a moment of
Holding it for the future – a safeguard when helplessness reigns.
She searches for contentment, for elusive happiness.
The dark days and ceaseless nights bring her low.
The smile on his face and the wrinkle of his nose, her only saving
Between smiles, her body is heavy and tired
And the days drag on.
Here, in the Sun’s embrace, she finds
Here, lightness returns… if only for a while.