In our newest interview, CWG Online Contributor Söndra Rymer is pleased to interview children’s picture book author Michelle Eastman!

Michelle R. Eastman
Michelle R. Eastman is a teacher and mom who is passionate about literacy and the issues affecting children. Her books take a lighthearted approach to the compelling desire kids have to fit-in. Her stories validate the need kids feel for acceptance, while imparting a subtle message about the joy that can come from embracing one’s individuality. The lively, rhyming stanzas and vivid illustrations appeal to boys and girls alike.
Welcome to CWG, Michelle!
MichelleI wrote a version of the story in college. However, that story was about magical dust bunnies who came to life. The version it became, 20+ years later, focuses on Dust Fairies who come out at night and create messes in our homes. The Legend of Dust Bunnies will open your eyes to a world of dirt and dust that you never knew could be so magical and fun! Did you know that Dust Fairies come into our homes at night and sprinkle dust, spread spider webs, and even spit crumbs into the carpet? They do. It’s true. Well, not all fairies. Artie is different. He doesn’t like messes, and he doesn’t fit in. At first, Artie is lonely and unsure of what to do, but then he takes matters into his own hands. When given lemons you’re supposed to make lemonade, right? This story does one better, it turns DUST into DUST BUNNIES.

Dust Bunnies and Dust Fairy Tales, two of Michelle’s recent stories – both illustrated by Kevin Richter, and available now on Amazon and from Barnes & Noble!
SöndraTell us a little about your writing process for your first Dust Fairies book, and how that has evolved or changed for the second book.
MichelleI generally write in our home office. But, I take a pad and pen with me wherever I go. I have come up with some of my best ideas while sitting in the stands at my son’s swim team practices. I also take advantage of my hands-free phone. When an idea comes to mind while I am driving, I email myself a quick note. Hopefully, I understand what the note means by the time I get home. I learned long ago that ideas I am positive I will remember later, are always the ones I forget!
My process has changed a bit over time. I used to write everything by hand on notepads. It got to be quite messy and inefficient. Now, I write most of my drafts on Word. I print out every revision with a time and day stamp, so I can keep track of the changes I’ve made. Sometimes I go back and rescue a scrapped idea, but I generally don’t look back once I have deleted or abandoned something in the manuscript.
Kevin and I are in production of our newest book, Dust Fairy series. The second book is about a dust fairy, named Aggie, who plays the bagpipes (I know-it sounds crazy. That’s why I love the picture book genre.). Aggie wants to join the dust fairy band. She is not as dainty and graceful as the other band members, so she struggles to fit in by striving to be “perfect”. In the end, she discovers that she does not have to be perfect to find her perfect fit.

SöndraDo you write every day? Or how does your life /career / family revolve around your writing / connect with your writing/ influence your writing?
MichelleI am a binge-writer. I tend to hyper-focus for weeks at a time, and then I take a break. My son influences my writing. He actually inspired the main character, Artie, in my first book. Although the main character in my second book is a girl, she shares many traits with my son.
SöndraTell us how you have developed your style of writing and where you hope to see this style evolve as you continue to work and grow as an author.
MichelleMy first two books are rhyming picture books. I hope, at some point, to step out of my comfort zone and write a story that does not rhyme. I am also interested in writing non-fiction picture books.
SöndraWhat part of your writing process captivates and emotionally charges you?
MichelleI have worked with illustrator, Kevin Richter, on both of my books. I find it captivating that although I can write words that tell a story, the story truly comes to life with the illustrations. It has been a pleasure to collaborate with him.
SöndraHow do you divide your time between writing and social media for marketing and PR / or what lessons have you learned to make this process make sense and run day to day more smoothly?
MichelleI am not a good manager of my time, and I struggle with balancing writing and marketing. I promote in the traditional ways: Twitter, WordPress, Facebook, Goodreads, etc. I also reach out to reviewers and librarians online. I have found much more “success” with face-to-face sales than I have found online. I have sold roughly 6 times the number of books at book signings/events and by making local connections. I contact local media to help promote my upcoming events and ongoing literacy initiatives. I’ve asked to local bookstores and public libraries to carry my book, and I have begun visiting schools and libraries for author visits.

SöndraWhat draws you in and inspires you in other writers work?
MichelleI enjoy and am influenced by old-time fairy tales. I try not to teach an overt lesson or moral with what I write, but I hope kids relate to my stories and come away with something meaningful to them. Dr. Seuss is one of my favorites. He was a master at weaving the morals into his stories so the message is only whispered to you.
SöndraWhat is “success” to you?
MichelleSuccess is an ongoing, evolving process. What I defined as success a year ago looks much different than it does today. I discovered very early on that comparing my “success” to the success of others is a sure-fire way to rob oneself of the joy that should come with pursuing your dreams.
SöndraWhat kind of encouragement or jump start ideas do you give to someone who has been developing their writing and style but hits a wall / slump or just feels like they are getting no response out there in the world?
MichelleI have written, off and on, throughout my life. Writing was a big part of my professional career, but my creative writing was not something I shared with anyone. I had wanted to write a children’s picture book for many years. But, honestly, I did not have the confidence in myself to pursue publishing my work. About a year and a half ago, I began researching the business of traditional and indie publishing. I slowly began to realize I was up for the challenge of publishing one of my stories. I have found myself in many slumps throughout this journey. It can be overwhelming, frustrating, and lonely. The best thing I ever did was reach out to and connect with other writers and artists. There is a remarkable support network online. It helps to surround yourself with positive people. Learn everything you can from people in the know. But, don’t forget to pay it forward and back. Share what you’ve learned with others and do your best to support their efforts.
Thanks for offering your story, Michelle!
For more information about Michelle’s work and books visit:, her Amazon page and to follow her blog:
Söndra Michelle, where did your original idea for the Dust Fairies originate?