Brian Chambers is 61 years old. Has been married to his wife, Senga, for over forty years. They have two daughters, Catrina and Fiona. Fiona is mother of their granddaughter Tilly. Brian has been writing since his early twenties.
He started writing children’s stories in his mid thirties. Brian only started to see if he could get any of his work published in the past five years. To date he has had a non-fiction and several poems published in a Scottish magazine. More recently he has had two e-books published, one of which is going into print this summer.
Brian works in a retirement village, which also has a nursing home. The nursing home has many residents who have dementia. Brian has enjoyed reading many of his stories to the residents over the years.
Brian said that ever since he read ‘Fairy Tales’, by Hans Christian Andersen, a book which he was presented with, by his school teacher, he knew then that he wanted to be a writer of children’s stories.