None of the Above by I.W. Gregorio is a spell-binding, diverse book. In it, we meet Kristin Lattimer: homecoming queen, track star, and the quintessential All-American girl. She has a seemingly perfect life and a boyfriend that seems too good to be true.

Things are going great for Kristin, until she and her boyfriend decide to take things to the next level. Their first sexual encounter goes unexpectedly awry, leaving Kristin at the doctor’s office. At her appointment, she learns she is intersex – she looks female but has both female and male chromosomes and both sets of sexual “parts”.
While learning to live with her diagnosis and subsequent treatments, Kristin learns about self-identity and dealing with the worst kind of bullying. These topics are relatable to almost every teen and adult alike and you find yourself relating to Kristin and rooting for her as she struggles to overcome her obstacles.
- Author: I. W. Gregorio
- Binding: Hardcover, 352 pp.
- Age Range: 14 to 17 years
- Publisher: Balzer + Bray (April 7, 2015)
- ISBN-10: 0062335316
- ISBN-13: 978-0062335319
Gregorio’s writing is brilliant and pulls you into Kristin’s story from the very first page. She writes from experience as a physician and really opens her heart in this novel. She tackles a groundbreaking topic and does so with ease. Each character is well-developed, real, and believable. You actually feel like you’re a part of the story as you’re reading.
I.W. Gregorio does a fantastic job of showing you how to really learn to love yourself for who you are; and most importantly, not to judge other people for what you think you know about them because you may not know their REAL story.