On the eve of Halloween, from the heartland of a nation gripped by political flapdoodle, an entreaty for sage counsel arrives at the desk of the inimitable Ghost of Mark Twain...
It’s absolutely possible to retrain your inner voice, no matter what your age. We're magic!
Whoever wrote Shakespeare's plays certainly did knock the spots out of any literature since Cervantes and, to my mind, knocked the spots out of any literature right up to the day Mark Twain arrived on the scene.
Have you ever heard the legend of Kaldi and the Dancing Goats? One legend tells us that while Kaldi was tending his goats one day, he noticed several of his herd eating bright red “berries” from a nearby tree...
In pouring over this morning’s photos of the reenactment of the battle of Appomattox, I had to think of Josephine Baldassare, as behind every one of those living history reenactors is a talented, dedicated and caring seamstress who is able to take an ordinary man, and turn that man into General Grant, or General Lee, a soldier, or a young drummer boy.